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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013

    Best way to earn Figments on LS?

    I recently started a bear on Ithil to check out the Legendary Servers and I quite like it though like many, the mood is dampened a bit by not having access to all the cosmetics I've collected over the years. What's the best way to earn Figments of Splendour on legendary servers? The figment trader has those dwarfhold pieces which have a Norse look and would suit my bear quite nicely.

  2. #2
    Avatar de Echoweaver
    Echoweaver est déconnecté Meddler in the Affairs of Wizards
    Date d'inscription
    février 2014
    1 502
    I believe the best way is through festivals, and the summer festival isn't too far out.

    Are there other ways?
    Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
    Learning to raid on Landroval

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2017
    1 521
    Citation Envoyé par Echoweaver Voir le message
    I believe the best way is through festivals, and the summer festival isn't too far out.

    Are there other ways?
    Let us discount the use of Lootboxes. The only other way to obtain would by participating in Festival. You can directly get Figments of Splendour. Another option is to Exchanging Motes ~ Figments 1000/1000 1:1 Ratio but keep in mind you will need to do all the deeds in each region. The deeds of Angmar,Shire,Misty Mountains and son... Thy reward is rather Feeble 300 Possibly to avoid early farming of Ered Luin which is by far the fastest of them all to grind/Re-grind.

    However, I do highly suggest for the next Festival and acquisition of figments by completing Daily Festival quests/ Default/Advanced/Final on multiple characters. The approximate gain will be 8000-1000+ per week if not more clearly depends on your dedication and how much time one thou art willing to invest. For example: Complete Another year 300/400/500 or Was it 400/400/500 I do not accurately recall.

    If you have a lot of time to spare you do Deeds on each character plus the festival Tis certainly worth the effort for you will able to get massive amount of Cosmetic items. Particular mounts,pets and housing items are indeed quite expensive ,but such is the way.

    Instances or hobbit presents will not drop items you may disenchant with Flame of Ancalimir. There is a longer way too. Farming process of LOTRO points and purchase 5x Black steel keys {950lp} and open up the boxes while it might seem risky and far more time consuming you can eventually get lucky and get Teal items. Last night I received 2x Amethyst Neekerbreeker's pets worthy t of 8000 Figments , value.

    Boxes do drop often.The Auction price is almost insignificant an they are worthy, though some will say a pure RNG which is obviously true ,nonetheless the rewards are generous ,I always almost end with an armour piece,cosmetic,pet and additional Motes. You can also destroy the existing cosmetic to get extra Figments or put it only in your Wardrobe prior before the destruction.
    Dernière modification par Vanyaerunanethiel ; 08/05/2019 à 21h51.



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