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Affichage des résultats 126 à 130 sur 130
  1. #126
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2015
    Citation Envoyé par Nyérëe Voir le message
    1. @Frelorn

    Why do you have extremely high tolerance level for people that abuse this forum? I noticed severe trolling and insults which are not even remNyérëeoved or they are removed after very long time.

    I have an impression that you simply don't care.

    Forums have fallen low, especially the PVMP section. I understand the freedom of speech but you should really be more strict.
    Nyérëe, why do you suppose we are trolling in the thread? I'm not agree. This is only sarcasm and joke (maybe strict). And what's happenes in other branches of forum now!!! There ate lots of really spam now. And it's necessary to strict action. But not here.

  2. #127
    Avatar de maartena
    maartena est déconnecté The Wise
    Drinks Coffee All Day
    Date d'inscription
    février 2011
    6 474
    Citation Envoyé par Nyérëe Voir le message
    1. @Frelorn

    Why do you have extremely high tolerance level for people that abuse this forum? I noticed severe trolling and insults which are not even removed or they are removed after very long time.

    I have an impression that you simply don't care.

    Forums have fallen low, especially the PVMP section. I understand the freedom of speech but you should really be more strict.

    He has other things to worry about instead of managing the trolls on a forum, which would be a full-time job.....

    That said, I do agree they should do better forum moderation.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  3. #128
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    so. U18 on 11th April. yay.

    per a post on Facebook via LOTROPlayers:
    Today on his weekly stream, Frelorn announced Update 18 is to release on April 11th. The update will include the Battle at Pelennor Fields instances and story, the Far Anórien region, a level cap increase and a variety of improvements to the game
    i'm curious to see what the thoughts, questions and complaints will focus on. other than the ongoing lag issues.

  4. #129
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 456
    Citation Envoyé par maartena Voir le message
    He has other things to worry about instead of managing the trolls on a forum, which would be a full-time job.....

    That said, I do agree they should do better forum moderation.
    I don't think so, I think Turbine/SSE have the most infantile response to most forum issues. I've seen people literally calling me a CU.... on the forums, and reported them to see them continually post for days/weeks (never being banned). And yet I was banned a few months back for posting a gif of Jackie Chan fighting something lol. I have also PM'd Cordovan politely asking some questions about the future of the Hunter class, and the only responses I've had since have been:

    You have received a forum infraction.

    TWICE. All of these have been for amusing (and on topic) images/gifs that have absolutely no insulting, trolling or offensive content what-so-ever. It really is stupid. No doubt I'll now be banned again for discussing this lol.

  5. #130
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2016
    6 276
    Citation Envoyé par Ethrildar Voir le message
    I don't think so, I think Turbine/SSE have the most infantile response to most forum issues. I've seen people literally calling me a CU.... on the forums, and reported them to see them continually post for days/weeks (never being banned). And yet I was banned a few months back for posting a gif of Jackie Chan fighting something lol. I have also PM'd Cordovan politely asking some questions about the future of the Hunter class, and the only responses I've had since have been:

    You have received a forum infraction.

    TWICE. All of these have been for amusing (and on topic) images/gifs that have absolutely no insulting, trolling or offensive content what-so-ever. It really is stupid. No doubt I'll now be banned again for discussing this lol.
    Sort of a /necro post, but I looked into your claim, and don't see an infraction with any kind of Jackie Chan image on it. You have just one warning, and one infraction, over the past three years. The warning was for calling out another player and saying "this is a pic of them"; the pic was of someone mind-controlled. The infraction was for calling someone a "plague to this game" and "the very definition of cancer." If I'm missing something, feel free to PM me and I can look into it further. We definitely wouldn't allow someone to call you that, so if something slipped through, I will try to be better about it.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
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