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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2014

    A weird shield question.

    I am looking to cosmetically equip a shield but do not actually want to equip a shield on my main panel. I do not know of any item that I could equip that would allow me to use a cosmetic shield that is not actually a shield. On the off chance there is actually some item that I can do this with I thought I would pose the question here.
    Why as a male do I play a female toon? The male is an upper body powerhouse that is capable of lifting a horse over his head while punching to death a 10' troll with no way of adjusting it so that you do not fell like your are going to rip the door frame off with your shoulders each time you want to go into the Prancing Pony for an ale.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2012
    There's a couple you could wear on your back, but that's all I can think of.

    I'm in the opposite situation: I want to wear a cosmetic in my off-hand for a shield using character (Guardian, Minstrel, Captain), but they are not visible once equipped. In fact, my real shield displays when in combat.
    Immigrant from the City of Paragon. We are heroes. This is what we do.

    Founding member of Mornost Gwend of Gladden. "We shout a lot!"

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    1 521
    to use an item as outfit it mast be of the same category with the one you are using.......
    examples : shield for a shield, an one hand weapon on an one hand weapon etc.
    so.... if you r trying to outfit a sword while you actually using a shield, the shield you are using wile be shown as outfit .......
    lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2012
    I'm trying to outfit a lantern.

    Or a mug.

    Or a bunch of flowers.
    Immigrant from the City of Paragon. We are heroes. This is what we do.

    Founding member of Mornost Gwend of Gladden. "We shout a lot!"

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008
    7 294


    Citation Envoyé par Seschat Voir le message
    I'm trying to outfit a lantern.

    Or a mug.

    Or a bunch of flowers.
    Those are handheld items of cosmetic weapon kind, they will show well on the main hand but not on the off-hand if your toon isn't a dual welding class. You want to look instead for a cosmetic shield that doesn't look like a shield, but like a silver platter repurposed door, window shutter or a privy's hole-cover. There are some low level shieds that actually look like such & the item description backstory confirm their origin.
    Dernière modification par YamydeAragon ; 04/10/2020 à 07h46.



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